International Lectures
International Lectures


We have decided to move the Where Numerology, Archetypes, Spirits & Chinese Medicine course to 2025. The new date is September 12-13-14, 2025.

Online training

The face is a blueprint of the soul. Each feature, color, and marking hold significant information about a person’s health, personality, and destiny. The two sides of the face reflect very different aspects of a person’s being: the right side is what someone is projecting to the world – what they want people to think of them – whereas the left side represents a person’s true nature. Many times, these two sides are different based on colors, lines, and the shape of features.

In this course you will learn where these differences come from.

How is the webinar set up?

The webinar is fully recorded, takes about 18 hours and 18 minutes in total, and can be followed at your own pace. The webinar is divided into 4 webinar days, each between 4 hours and 20 to 40 minutes long. There is a quiz at the end of each webinar day. To obtain a certificate, all quizzes must be passed. The days on which the quizzes are completed count as the days on which you followed the webinar for the professional organization.

After registration, you will receive a document from us with all the links to the handout, video recordings, and quiz questions.

Naturally given harmony

First, CT Holman will explain that there is a natural connection between the true Self and the Universal Qi-flow. This means that a person is gifted with talents, strengths, weaknesses, etc., created by their date of birth, their constitution, and their Ming. By using the 12 Wisdom Animals, stems and branches, and Five Spirit Animals you can get a clear view about the Authentic Self. And also how a person would be able to make the most use of his talents in relation to the Universal energy flow by nourishing his or her most optimal Qi-flow.

Both sides of the face would be perfectly balanced.

Daily disbalances

But then daily life kicks in, leaving physical, emotional, and spiritual marks in the body, because of conscious choices a person makes or is forced to make, due to upbringing, culture, education, traumas, making compromises, etc., thus redrawing mainly the right side of their faces.

How we must deal with these disbalances is also something we have been taught in our culture. We have learned to compare new situations with old traumas, social and/or cultural habits, or what we believe to be common sense, and base our new choices on avoiding the painful situations and embracing joyful or happy situations over and over again, thus directing our Qi-flow in certain ways that are not necessarily in harmony with our Authentic Self.

Qi Bo replied, “They do not know the secret of conserving their energy and vitality. Seeking emotional excitement and momentary pleasures, people disregard the natural rhythm and order of the universe. They fail to regulate their lifestyle and diet and sleep improperly. So it is not surprising that they look old at fifty and die soon after.” (from: The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine)

Facial diagnosis

Facial diagnosis enables the practitioner to identify and interpret the differences between both sides of the face. With this information, the practitioner can utilize acupuncture, affirmations, and lifestyle recommendations to assist a person with fully embodying their true Self again and shining out in the world authentically, in relation to their constitution and Ming on the one side, and the 12 Wisdom Animals and Five Spirit Animals on the other side.

CT Holman discusses the various facial signs in detail and explains how to harmonize the two sides of the face. He will share verbal cues and lifestyle modifications to address the various imbalances detected between the two sides of the face. In addition, CT will provide several acupuncture point prescriptions to treat pathology indicated by facial diagnosis.

By attending this course, you will learn how to find the missing piece that will harmoniously reconnect the Authentic Self with the Universal Qi-flow again, by understanding what the face is showing us. Thus, giving your patients the missing piece to their true and eternal happiness instead of living a life filled with fleeting moments of temporarily apparent feel-good happiness.

Discount offer

► Looking in the Universal Mirror; 2023 & Facing your true personality; 26-28 January 2024; € 948,60 (incl. 10% discount)

► Looking in the Universal Mirror; 2023 & Healing Wisdom: Five Element Acupuncture for Treating Traumatic Stress; 19-21 January 2024; € 948,60 (incl. 10% discount)

► Facing your true personality; 26-28 January 2024 & Healing Wisdom: Five Element Acupuncture for Treating Traumatic Stress; 19-21 January 2024; € 1042,20 (incl. 10% discount)

► Looking in the Universal Mirror; 2023 & Facing your true personality; 26-28 January 2024 & Healing Wisdom: Five Element Acupuncture for Treating Traumatic Stress; 19-21 January 2024; € 1388,05 (incl. 15% discount)

EuroRegular price 475.00
EuroRegular Price with payment in terms 475.00
Course language
Time schedule
31 December 2022 | 23:00—23:00
31 January 2024 | 22:59—22:59
Target audience

Acupuncturists, student acupuncture, TCM therapists that work with acupuncture points.


Accreditation is obtained from NVA (code AT), NWP, and Zhong (Categorie 1, 9 NAP; Category 3, 9 NAP).

The accreditation is acknowledged by the VBAG.

Accreditation will be applied at request at Eufom and BAF if a student is a member of one of these organizations.

A member of the VNT can apply for an individual accreditation in the member section online.

Prior knowledge

Basic TCM.
