International Lectures
International Lectures

Continuing education

Conferentiehotel Kontakt der Kontinenten, Soesterberg

This groundbreaking 9-day certificate program uniquely combines today's advanced biomedical knowledge with the rich traditions of classical acupuncture. This allows acupuncturists to increase their skills in a scientifically supported manner with advanced techniques in the field of neurostimulation and DeQi sensation. The teaching program from the renowned Poney Chiang, PhD, provides an in-depth understanding of neuroanatomy and applies this knowledge directly to acupuncture through advanced techniques such as electro-neuromodulation of acupuncture points. These methods are particularly aimed at treating conditions affecting the peripheral and central nervous systems, providing a robust framework for practitioners to enhance their therapeutic skills.


You can register for Module 2 if you have not taken Module 1. This is not ideal, but it is possible.

I would recommend the Advanced Integrative Acupuncture program to anyone who does, or has interest in, treating neuromyofascial pain in their practice. Poney Chiang is an excellent instructor and extremely knowledgeable in this field. This course seamlessly integrates both Eastern and Western views in treating and diagnosing not only pain, but also many systemic conditions that involve the nervous system.

Since taking this course, I have a wider perspective on how to diagnose causes of pain. I also have more focus and direction when developing a treatment plan. From a practical standpoint, this course teaches many techniques which are very effective and can be implemented easily in one's practice.

Linda Shih ND

The focus of this program is on hands-on practical training, allowing participants to gain direct experience with these advanced techniques, ensuring that attendees not only understand the theoretical underpinnings of the methods taught but are also able to apply them effectively in their own practices. The theoretical part of this course discusses neuroanatomy, MRI research and what the dissection of cadaver acupoints has revealed regarding the physiological mechanisms behind acupuncture points and meridians.

Modern Scientific East-West Integration What also makes this program unique is the integration of classical acupuncture wisdom with the neuromyofascial structures. Poney Chiang has been able to integrate both thanks to his deep understanding of the NeiJing, his deciphering of the channel theory, his practical skills regarding palpation and needling techniques and his extensive biomedical and anatomical knowledge through original research. This well-thought-out mix of contemporary scientific research and age-old traditional knowledge ensures that participants receive a broadly oriented, well-structured training and that they occupy a unique place in the acupuncture field.

Overview of the complete 9-day Certification Program

Module 1: Upper Extremity and Neck & Head; 14-15-16 February 2025 Module 2: Lower Extremity and Torso; 25-26-27 October 2025 (note: this is Saturday, Sunday, Monday) Module 3: Peripheral Nerve Entrapments, Central Neurological Disorders, and TCM perspectives on various Neurological Disorders; 6-7-8 March 2026

Program topics for the Certification Program

Poney Chiang’s unique training program integrates the following traditional and biomedical acupuncture paradigms and methodologies:

Channel Plucking/Neuro-Palpation
Modern Point Drifting: Re-anchored Classical Locations
Channel Sinew Neuromyofascial Anatomy
Acupoint Neuroanatomy
Ashi/Trigger Point & Motor Point
Segmental Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture for ANS & CNS Stimulation
MRI-verified Scalp Acupuncture System

How You Will Benefit:

Elevate your practice with intensive training in three core skill sets: - Trigger point & motor points needling - Peripheral nerve palpation and electro-modulation - Central nervous system stimulation
Hands-on clinical skills practicum through supervised group practices
Analyze passages from TCM classics relevant to pain, channel theory, and needle technique
All techniques taught are evidence-based and proven to effectively treat pain and neurological conditions

What You Will Learn:

Refine muscle, tendon, trigger point, and neuro-palpation skills
Hone advanced needling skills: elicit local twitch response, de-irritate cutaneous nerves, de-inhibit motor nerve trunks, predict and confirm the correct DeQi sensation for individual acupoints
Communicate the inter-relationship between the channel system and neurovascular system
Explain the cause-and-effect between trigger points, nerve entrapment, and channel pathways
Learn to design patient-centered prescriptions using the S.M.A.R.T guideline to address sensory, motor, autonomic, radicular, and trigger points
Obtain consistent clinical results using our protocols for orthopedic and neurological conditions

You will therefore not only acquire new skills but also understand the science behind acupuncture, thereby elevating the practice from an art to a science-based discipline. This aspect is particularly appealing to practitioners who value evidence-based approaches but also respect the historical and cultural significance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Pointer Devices

At the hands-on training, students will use a Pointer Plus devices which has a stimulator. There are several models available.

Poney Chiang recommends these two models:

Pointer Plus Locator/Stimulator
Pointer Plus Excel II

Thanks to our Norwegian partner Akupunkturutskyr AS, we can offer the Pointer Plus Locator/Stimulator IT7400 for a special discount price of €95 (incl. VAT).

Read more about this special offer

PS: Do NOT buy a model that is only a locator without the stimulator. There are models in the market that only have the stimulator without the locator, which is fine.

Module 2: Day-to-day topics

Day 4:

Ling Shu Chapter 13: Channel Sinew & Cadaver Research
Neuro-stimulation & De Qi sensation for Lower Extremity Part 1-3
Neuro-stimulation & De Qi sensation for Lower Extremity Part 4-5

Day 5:

Lower Extremity Treatment Protocol Demonstration: Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinosis, Anterior/Posterior Shin Splint, Pes Anserine Tendinosis, Popliteal Tendinosis, Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome, Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome, Ischial Tuberosity Bursitis, Inversion Ankle Sprain
Entriggerment. Trigger Point & Nerve Entrapment

Day 6:

Neuro-stimulation & De Qi sensation for Torso Part 1-2
Neuro-stimulation & De Qi sensation for Torso Part 3-4
Torso Treatment Protocol Demonstration: Lumbago, Sciatica, Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome, Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Upper & Lower Cross Syndrome.

In conclusion

This course is ideally suited for those looking to push the boundaries of what is possible in acupuncture and to elevate their practice to new heights of efficacy and sophistication. It offers a comprehensive education that combines practical skills with deep theoretical knowledge, all under the guidance of a leading expert in the field who has been teaching his program for more than 10 years from Toronto to Taiwan, from Australia to Brazil, and now, starting in February 2025, also for the second time (after Barcelona from 2017-2019) in Europe.

For this Certification Program, which normally is 12 days, Dr. Chiang has been willing to cover the same course content in 9 days by teaching from 8.30am to 7pm each day with a one-hour lunch break and some short breaks in between. Each of the three modules will therefore be over 26 hours, which means that the Certification is approved by the NCCAOM, a non-governmental certification organization that sets professional standards for practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental medicine in the United States. This is great news for possible American students.

The good news for all European students is that they won't be needing to travel to the United States or Canada like they have been doing the last couple of years. That saves a lot of time and travel and accommodation costs.

FYI: The Kontakt der Kontinenten has a good restaurant where you can also dine during the week and on Saturdays. We can make reservations for you up to 3 days before the start of each weekend. Send an email to if you are interested. PLEASE NOTE: You have to let the reception of the Kontakt der Kontinenten know personally at what time you wish to have your dinner.

Please, let us know if you have food allergies of special food wishes. This applies to both lunch and dinner. Just send an email to so we can inform Kontakt der Kontinenten in time.

If you ask us, there is only 1 conclusion: thanks to the cooperation of Dr. Chiang and the Kontakt der Kontinenten, who have kindly offered us the course room at a discount, we are able to organize the certification program at a very competitive price, which is the best news possible for all students interested in pursuing this excellent and unique high-quality course!

Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity!

Over the last 20 years, I have participated in countless trainings in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture around the world, leading me to one conclusion: Dr. Poney Chiang offers something truly outstanding!

If you want to get a VERY clear picture of how to treat Neurological conditions, this is the training you absolutely have to attend. Dr. Chiang's extensive research not only sheds light on the anatomical and neurological knowledge he has uncovered but also makes it crystal clear how ancient practitioners knew exactly what they were doing when treating specific conditions with the specific acupoints as described in the Classics. You will be amazed at how much these practitioners already must have known about anatomy and neurology in the old times.

Attending his training revived my love for Acupuncture on multiple levels. I participated in a summer school session in Toronto in 2022, which was an intensive two-week program packed with valuable information. I highly recommend this training, so if you have a chance to take part in this more approachable 9-day version of Dr Chiang's program, with the timewise extended training and breaks in between REALLY giving you the time to absorb what you learn, offered through International Lectures, don’t think twice—register! It's a significant investment of time, money, effort, sweat, and joy, but entirely worthwhile.

In any case, I'm eagerly looking forward to participating in this upcoming series again!

Harald LemkeMD, acupuncturist

It was an honor to study under Poney Chiang. Never before have I encountered such keen intellect and searing integrity blended with a high degree of honor for the lineage of Chinese medicine and his place within it.

The one semester I was his student, impressed upon me the beauty of being dedicated to one's chosen profession and the importance of comforting yourself with discipline, humility, and the standard of excellence established by the Chinese medicine elders.

He far surpasses his peers with his accomplishments to date, and he stands poised to distinguish himself in the field of Traditional Oriental Medicine.

Marcia Elizabeth Thompson MS LAc

It is so refreshing when you complete a program and actually walk away with new knowledge and very useful at that.

Poney is an excellent instructor and his vast knowledge in the TCM profession is impressive and drawing.

I would recommend this course to anyone with a background in the healthcare field. I feel this course would benefit many therapists with a background in acupuncture and those professionals working/specializing in neurology or neuropathy, sports medicine. Thank you, for sharing your knowledge and expertise.

Theodora Noumtinis R.Ac

I was looking for an acupuncture course that synthesized the wisdom of the Classics in acupuncture theory with our current understanding of the body. I found it here. Poney is a great teacher – he has distilled the most important information for us from current research and from people who are leaders in their field, e.g. Travell, Gunn, and Wong. This course has saved me time on doing this research myself.

The modules are well-organized and are designed to be very practical for the clinician who uses, or wants to use, acupuncture in their practice. Every week, I am able to use what I learn the next day in my clinical practice with great results. My relationship with the myofascia and the nervous system will never be the same!

I have a deeper understanding and appreciation of this modality on improving all kinds of conditions or issues.

Jennifer Hong ND

For those interested in learning a beautiful approach in uniting both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and evidence based medicine (EBM) philosophies to treat your patients this course is for you. Dr. Chiang’s selfless and dedicated passion to teach students can be felt during our hands-on practical sessions. His side-by-side support, along with the dedication of excellent TA’s, gives students the chance to really understand and apply Dr. Chiang’s techniques of healing.

By analyzing the classical texts and cross-referencing these teachings with the latest findings in EBM, it makes us realize how advanced our forefathers were when dealing with treatments. It has been a pleasure and I will always be grateful to have learned from Dr. Chiang. His teachings have helped me grow as a student and a future doctor.

If you are considering furthering your skills and knowledge in TCM, neuromuscular anatomy and the latest EBM techniques in treating pain conditions this course is for you.

Shahin Moslehi BSc ND DHMHS

I am a student at Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I highly recommend Dr. Chiang as a teacher. I have received much post-secondary education including a medical school in Japan and from that experience I can say Dr. Chiang is a cut above as a teacher. He has ways of making the lecture interesting and presenting rather difficult medical topics in a clear and lucid way

Teruki Matano M.D. (Japan) R.TCMP
Saturday, 25 October 2025 at 08:30
Monday, 27 October 2025 at 19:00
EuroCourse price€ 1,194.50€ 996.50
Payment in installments available
Early Bird expires on 10 October 2025

All prices are incl. coffee, tea, water, and lunch buffet

Time schedule
25 October 2025 | 08:30—19:00
26 October 2025 | 08:30—19:00
27 October 2025 | 07:45—18:00
Target audience

Acupuncturists, student acupuncture

Obtained from NVA (code AT/WM), NWP and Zhong (9-day Certification Program: Category 1, 72 NAP; Module 1 weekend: Category 1, 24 NAP).
Acknowledged by VBAG.
Will be applied at request at Eufom and BAF if a student is a member of one of these organizations.
A member of the VNT can apply for an individual accreditation in the member section online.
Prior knowledge

Basic TCM
