Teachers with Upcoming Courses
Nicholas Van Bergen Garner
Nicholas graduated as an acupuncturist from the Scandinavian College of Acupuncture in 1994. In 2000 he became a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and has more than 20 years of clinical and teaching experience.
Jonas Brenner
Jonas Brenner began to practice Tai-Chi Chuan in 1988 (Yang style as taught by Master Kai-Ying Tung) and has been teaching this style of Tai-Chi Chuan since 1995.
He has also studied several styles of Qi Gong and Martial Arts styles such as Xin yi liu he quan, Tang Lang (Chow Gar), and Krav Maga.
Dr. Poney Chiang, PhD, R.Ac, R.TCMP
Dr. Poney Chiang received a PhD in biomedical research from the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, followed by a Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York. He is an adjunct professor and founder of the Integrative Acupuncture Certificate Program for the Faculty of Health at York University (Toronto). Poney is also a professor at the American Neuro-Acupuncture Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Sohial Farzam
Sohial Farzam is an Australian registered Acupuncturist and he has been practicing for 20 years. He was also a long-term lecturer at the Endeavour College of Natural Health (formally known as the Australian College of Natural Medicine) in Melbourne Australia for 14 years. Recently he has paused teaching at the college only to expand his teaching publicly, both domestic and internationally.
Sohial’s main area of speciality is in Psycho-Emotional imbalances and emotional empowerment. He is a well-known practicing acupuncturist in Australia where he practices as an Emotional Wellbeing Acupuncturist in a multi-modality health centre.
He currently presents many seminars on psychological and mental health conditions around Australia, New Zealand and hosts many industry speakers.
David Hartmann
David Hartmann started studying a Diploma of Applied Science (Chinese Medicine) almost straight out of secondary school and graduated from the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane in 1997 at the age of just 23. He then set-up his own acupuncture clinic and has been treating patients regularly since then.
Bernhard Nessensohn
Bernhard was born in 1954 in Zürich, Switzerland. From 1970 to 1975, he focused on teacher education for public schools. In the late ’80s, he shifted to naturopathy, studying in Munich at the School for Naturopathy Lotz from 1989 to 1991.
Tuvia Scott
Tuvia Scott has been practicing and teaching Chinese Medicine since 1990. Being involved in martial arts, tai ji and qi gong since childhood he began studying Chinese Medicine in Israel and continued studies in China, USA and Europe in the fields of 5 Elements, Daoist Healing and Abdominal Acupuncture. He founded the Israeli Center of Abdominal Acupuncture and has been giving workshops in Israel and Europe.
Jonathan Shubs
Naturopathic Practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (Swiss); Ac. Dipl. TCM-FVS, FNMTC, NVS, EMR, ASCA.
Other Teachers
Peggy Bosch
Peggy Bosch is a psychologist (graduated at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands), acupuncturist (education at the Shenzhou Open University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Heilpraktikerin (State exam at Krefeld, Germany).
Paul Freedman
Paul Freedman was born and raised in Philadelphia, USA. After his studies at the California University of Pennsylvania, he decided to broaden his horizons in 1986. Freedman left for Venezuela, Bonaire and later Curaçao. Love brought him to the Netherlands in 1989.
Lisa Garner Wright
Lisa Garner Wright graduated as Acupuncturist in 2012, and has a degree as Master Kinesiologist and Chiropractor for horses. She is trained as a face reader and specialises in facial acupuncture.
CT Holman
CT Holman is an international speaker and has authored two textbooks, Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine and Shamanism in Chinese Medicine. With over 20 years of practicing Chinese medicine, he operates a busy general family practice in Salem, Oregon.
Sybill Huessen M.S. TCM
Sybill Huessen is no more, a shock to all who knew her. A radiant soul, a golden heart, a wonderful person with whom I've spent many memorable hours. We laughed a lot, discussed the world, teased each other with sports scores between the Netherlands and Germany, and enjoyed delicious food with wine she always wanted to taste herself before approving it.
Jan Willem Ilbrink
Jan Willem Ilbrink has been working as a TCM therapist since his Classical Acupuncture study (2006) and has done many follow-up and continuing education courses. He recently developed the course "Kinesiologie en acupunctuur van de emotie" ("Kinesiology and acupuncture of emotion").
Work experience
Relevant training
Refresher courses and follow-up courses
Yair Maimon
Dr. Maimon is an internationally renowned figure in the field of Integrative and Chinese Medicine with over 25 years of clinical, academic, and research experience in the United States, Europe, and Israel.
Roy Pronk
Roy Pronk started his journey in healthcare by graduating in physiotherapy from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam in 1992, followed by training in manual therapy at the School voor Manuele Therapie in 1995. Driven by his passion to bridge the gap between the Eastern and the Western medicine, he decided to follow the Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture course at the TCM Academy where he graduated in 2010.
Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée is born in Parijs in 1949. She obtained Master Degrees in classics, literature and philosophy and a Diplôme d'études approfondies in Chinese. In 1970 she collaborated with Father Claude Larre and studied Chinese language.
Ken Rose
After his Bachelor of Fine Arts at the California Institute of the Arts in 1872, he followed between 1992 and 1998 the Apprentiship training in Taijiquan, Chinese medicine and Daoist Yang Sheng at the Shengdu University of TCM in China.
Elisa Rossi
MD, Acupuncturist, 4-year Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Licensed Psychotherapist (Jungian), B.A. in Philosophy.
Robin Saraswati Markus
Dr. Robin Saraswati Markus has been teaching Chinese medicine for over 25 years. She has launched Nourishing Life, a fertility and longevity institute based on the principles of Yang Sheng: The Ancient Chinese Science of Longevity.
Yan Schroën
Yan Schroën (1964) graduated in Natural Medicine, acupuncture and biochemistry in the Netherlands and studied Taoistic Philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the People's Republic of China.
Daniel Snijders
Daniel Snijders (1946) has had an acupuncture practice since 1999. Before that, he was an HR manager in a number of large companies. He is therefore no stranger to working with people. The big change came with his study of acupuncture, in which he could approach people much closer in all its facets.
Gali Stoffman
Gali Stoffman, MD, graduated Tel Aviv University School of Medicine, in 1997. She then studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as Theory of Stems and Branches, and specialized in Pediatrics.
Beverley de Valois, PhD LicAc FBAcC MBLS
Beverley lectures internationally and is a prolific author, with numerous publications including her book Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship: Recovery, Renewal, and Transformation published by Singing Dragon in July 2023.
Beverley is a Researcher in Integrative Medicine in the Supportive Oncology Research Team (SORT) in the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust incorporating Mount Vernon Cancer Centre. For nearly 25 years, she has focused on using acupuncture in the supportive care of people living with and beyond cancer.
Amos Ziv
After his first encounter with Traditional Chinese Medicine at the age of 18, during Tai Chi classes as a Biology student, Amos ZIv has been striving to integrate western scientific knowledge with classical Chinese energetical paradigms.